Opening hours






We love fun sports

In the Funsportwelt, our customers have been getting 100% enthusiasm for trend sports products for over 15 years, including stunt scooters, inflatable SUPs, roller skates, skates, BMX bikes as well as a complete arsenal of important spare parts.

Our speciality shops offer brand experiences at their best, because we see ourselves as a portal for people who are looking for the not-so-everyday,

As wholesalers, we offer specialist dealers in stationary and/or online trade an extensive and high-quality range of stunt scooters, roller skates and inline skates.

With brands such as anaquda, Double-Five, Luna-Skates, Brilliant Move, we exclusively manage a selection of established fun sports brands worldwide and are on the lookout every day for new trends in the fun sports sector and up-and-coming brands, so that we can always offer the best possible range.

Store / Show Room



Brand Strategy

Building long-term plan of our unique brands to connect with the right audience and sports enthusiasts.


Supply and inventory management, products order and dispatching from our warehouse to the clients with selected transporters.

Graphic Design

Sport brings you emotions. What's more meaningfull than visual communication to share sport's pleasure ?


actually closed


The success of the Funsprtwelt is based on a perfect symbiosis of enthusiasm, commitment and competence of our employees. In modern premises as well as a friendly and social working environment in Hamburg-Bahrenfeld, a young and motivated team ensures the constant optimization of our portfolio. The team-oriented work of our employees is as important to us as the collegial cooperation in flat hierarchies.

No matter whether you are looking for a career start or a new challenge, we offer exciting jobs in some areas because we offer:

  • Owner-managed company with flat hierarchies, transparent structures and short decision-making paths
  • Team culture of appreciation and equality
  • A position in which you can quickly take on responsibility and develop quickly
  • Easily accessible office location in Hamburg-Bahrenfeld in a listed factory building

You want to be part of our team? The positions listed below are currently vacant. If the right position for you is not listed, we look forward to receiving your unsolicited application.  Send your detailed application to


Mendelssohnstraße 15D 22761 Hamburg

+49 (0)40-8080 13100